First of all, I don’t care what anyone says; I love Kathy Griffin. And telling me she’s annoying and nuts doesn’t dissuade me, because that’s precisely why I love her.
So, this morning, she was also on The Today Show, after Our Lady of the Perpetual Projectile Vomiting, and here’s what she had to say about old Annie while she chatted with Al Roker: “I’d like to go after Ann Coulter. I saw that nutbag on the show earlier. What’s she doing wearing a cocktail dress at seven in the morning? …Doesn’t she just make stuff up, Al? Who fact checks? …Can I get on the real show next time?” Video here.
I love it when Al Roker tells her, “This is the real show,” and she goes, “Al!” all disgustedly. Totally right. Anything +1 Coulter = 0 Credibility.
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