From our local NBC affiliate:
Chicago police said they were calling Tuesday's incident arson, but representatives of the gay community said on Wednesday that the timing with the upcoming Gay Pride Parade and proposed laws dealing with gay marriage in the works, the incident is too coincidental.And it’s located at 644 W. Belmont, which is right in the heart of the Lakeview neighborhood, affectionately known by many Chicagoans as Boystown, because it is the center of gay culture in Chicago—warmly recognized by the city with rainbow-bedecked monuments throughout.
"How unconscionable for them to come in and risk other people's lives just out of their hate," said Xavier Yager of the 23rd District Police Steering Committee.
The library has the city's largest collection of gay and lesbian literature and reference books in the adult book section on the second floor.
This was no coincidence.
Area fundies have also been increasingly wingnutty since Chicago decided to host the Gay Games later this summer. Someone's trying to send a message.
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