Dateline Portage, IN—8:30pm CST. Litbrit has arrived safely, and we are now sufficiently juiced up on Champagne to be yearning for Mexican food (in solidarity with our undocumented immigrant brethren) and laying out elaborate fantasies about Al Gore that are decidedly unpresidential, but definitely fall under the header of “warming,” though not of the global sort.
There’s still time to make plans to join us tomorrow for the Shaker meet-up. Email me for details. For anyone who’s already gotten the info, we’ll be meeting in the lobby between 5:00 and 5:30. Just look for the short, round person, the tall, thin person with the lovely long hair, and the big, red-headed Scotsman, and you’ll be sure to find us. After the movie, well, who knows what mischief we’ll get up to…
To everyone who’s joining us, we’re looking forward to seeing you there, and to those who can’t make it this time…we’ll do it again soon!
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