If you were a superhero, what would your name and special powers be?
As I've mentioned before, Mr. Shakes, our friend Mickey Mouse, and I were going to play a Marvel Comics role-playing game (yes, we're huge geeks), and you could either be an existing superhero, or make up your own. For weeks beforehand, I insisted I wanted to be a superhero named Lactacia whose superpower was rendering her enemies useless by ripping open her bodice to reveal paralyzingly gorgeous breasts, from which she would then shoot deadly acid. They accused me of not taking the game seriously enough and refused to play, lol.
Finally, I gave up on Lactacia, due to the excessive pouting, and reinvented myself as Zoologica, whose superpower is her special relationship with animals, who do her bidding at her command. Mr. S and MM felt that was a much more acceptable selection.
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