Re: Zack's most excellent post earlier, were you ever bullied? Were you ever a bully?
I was never bullied constantly by one person. I got teased about my looks by boys: Fat, four-eyes, ugly, metal-mouth, pizzaface. Mostly, it didn't bother me, because they were usually just pointing out obvious things; how hurt can you be by being told that you're overweight, or wear glasses, or have braces or zits? Tell me something I don't know.
The times it did bother me were when it came from someone I liked, who appeared to lash out at me for no reason. In retrospect, I realize they were getting picked on, too, and were paying it forward in a (probably futile) effort to make themselves feel better. At the time, though, I was always left a little stunned when someone with whom I'd been on good terms suddenly launched a "Fat cow!" at me, seemingly out of nowhere.
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