This cable outlines, the Post reported Sunday, "the daily-worsening conditions for those who live outside the heavily guarded international zone: harassment, threats and the employees' constant fears that their neighbors will discover they work for the U.S. government."There are long excerpts at the E&P link, and you can read the whole memo here.
It's actually far worse than that, as the details published below indicate, which include references to abductions, threats to women's rights, and "ethnic cleansing."
This is not the peacenik Dems “playing politics.” This is not the crazy liberal media refusing to report the “good news” out of Iraq. This is not the deviously traitorous leftwing blogosphere “celebrating” failure. This is a missive from Ambassador Khalilzad addressed to the Secretary of State.
I’m just wondering if the Secretary of State—or anyone else in the administration who insists on painting rosy pictures about what’s happening there—has bothered to read it.
More from Mustang Bobby, Cookie Jill at Skippy’s joint, Gideon, and Digby.
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