Via Comandante Agi, who wanted to be MacGyver when he was a kid.
Yeah, MacGyver was pretty cool—but let me tell you a little something about Richard Dean Anderson: He’s an idiot. Many, many years ago, my mom was a contestant on the $20,000 Pyramid—which, due to inflation, is now the $100,000 Pyramid—and one of her celebrity partners was Richard Dean Anderson. I have seen the video many times. Generously, I will submit he was quite possibly stoned.
The only person I’ve ever seen give more disastrous clues than he was my mom’s other celebrity partner, Gena Hecht, best known at the time (and probably since) as doofy neighbor (or something) Jean DaVinci on Mork & Mindy. Passionately, desperately, she implored Mama Shakes with, “Italy is in…? Italy is in…?” “Europe,” Mama Shakes said. “Western Europe. The northern hemisphere.” Gena’s hands flapped wildly. “Italy is in…? Italy is in…?” Mama Shakes continued to guess futilely.
The word was “Rome.”
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