Wallsten said Bush called his cell phone later in the day to apologize and tell him that he didn't know he had the disease. Wallsten said he interrupted and told the president that no apology was necessary and that he didn't feel offended since he hadn't told anyone at the White House about his condition.(Original story here.)
"He said, ‘I needle you guys out of affection,’" Wallsten said. "I said, ‘I understand that, but I don't want you to treat me any differently because of this.’"
Wallsten said the president said he would not treat him differently, so Wallsten encouraged him to "needle away."
"He said, ‘I will. Next time I'll just use a different needle,’" Wallsten said.
Wallsten said he thought that was a pretty good line. And his only complaint is that the president didn't answer his question at the news conference.
Good for the president for apologizing for such an insensitive blunder. And even better for Wallsten for using the opportunity to point out that Bush evaded his question. Well done, mate.
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