The owners of a roller skating rink have fired an 18-year-old woman they called one of their "Top 10" employees because she moved in with her boyfriend, violating a company ethics policy that prohibits "live-in relationships of an intimate nature."Firing Plotner was legal, because marital status, along with sexual orientation, are not protected by law, and Skate Pizza put right in the employee handbook that “liv[ing] in an immoral way with a member of the opposite sex or same sex” is grounds for termination. Of course, what’s one person’s “living in an immoral way” is another person’s “living.”
"I loved my job and I didn't want to leave," Crystal Plotner told the Coeur d'Alene Press this week.
She said she was fired after casually telling her bosses, Skate Plaza owners Marvin and Pat Miller, that she planned to move in with her boyfriend in mid-May.
Before terminating her, Plotner said the Millers said she and her boyfriend should "check out their church." She declined.
"Even if I had gone to their church, I don't think it would have saved my job," said Plotner, who worked at Skate Plaza for three years and made $9.25 an hour. "They didn't want me to live with my boyfriend. They were pushing their religion on me and I was offended. I don't have the same religious beliefs as they do."
…Skate Plaza's moral and ethics policy also bans such behaviors as "public displays of promiscuous activities, homosexuality, intoxication, use of profanity, lewd behavior, use of illegal drugs, child abuse, spouse abuse, unlawful relationships, cross-dressing, stalking and nudity."
I wonder how Skate Pizza would have felt about my living arrangement around the same age—rooming with a gay man. I probably would have prompted a change in that employee handbook. “And no skirting the rules by living with a homosexual of the opposite sex!”
(Hat tip to Ms. Julien.)
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