I'm pathetically late getting around to the whole X-Men 3 thing, and most folks have gone on to the Superman Returns vigil or the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest watch, but I do have something to add to the public record. I just got around to seeing X2: United - that's after having seen the third installment in the series, and I'm glad I saw it out of order. This way, I'm merely disappointed with X-Men: The Last Stand...whereas had I seen the films in their proper order, I'd be disappointed, angry, and inconsolably bitter as well.
This laugher from X3 director Brett Ratner:
Unless you're a very sophisticated viewer, I don't think you'd be able to tell Bryan Singer's version to my version. Could you?Uh, yeah. Regrettably.
(Cross-posted somewhere in the blue area of the moon...)
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