Your Tax Dollars at Work

Tonight is the annual Congressional Picnic on the South Lawn.

The Menu:

Display of Seasonal Raw Vegetables with Assorted Dips
Three Colors of Tortilla Chips with Guacamole and Bean Dip
Taquito Bar
Crisp Bibb Lettuce and Cucumber Salad with Helen Corbitt Poppy Seed Dressing
The Ultimate Potato Salad with Juniper and Buttermilk
Steak Fry with Homemade Barbeque Sauce on the Side
Garlicky Fried Chicken
A Pile of Grilled Shrimp
Rodeo Corn-on-the-Cob
Grilled Heirloom Fried Tomatoes
Mexican Confetti Rice
Toasted Jalapeño Blue Corn Bread served with Honey Butter
Peach and Blackberry Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream
Lemon Daisy Cupcakes
Texas Bluebell Ice Cream Cones
Decorated Sugar Cookies

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Some of those menu items seem a little too “south of the border” for comfort. I mean, what’s next? Singing the National Anthem in Spanish? And the rest are so…elitist. I mean, some of that shit practically sounds French. Where the fuck are the hotdogs and ambrosia salad? Peach and blackberry cobbler?! What’s wrong with good, old-fashioned American apple pie, huh?

At least the entertainment sounds good. Darn the luck that I’m not a member of Congress, so I’ll have to miss out on “The Compassionates,” featuring White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten on guitar.

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