Have any of the Shakers in the tri-state area noticed the massive and ever-increasing cloud of steam hovering in the atmosphere today? It’s coming OUT OF MY FUCKING EARS!!!

The Middle East is blowing up, our president is acting like a creepy douchebag, our UN ambassador is running his mouth as if there isn’t a brain attached to it, the Pentagon continues to ignore the pervasive problem of sexual assault in the military, the government is charging people for their evacuation out of a war zone, it’s revealed that Bush blocked the Justice Department’s investigation of wiretapping, plus about a zillion other various infuriating injustices and calamities I’ve not even gotten to yet, and, to top it all off, I’ve got to be reminded yet again that the legislative body tasked with making decisions that affect our lives is comprised of miserable assholes like Sam Brownback (R-Justfuckoff).

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) is leading the opposition to the H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. Yesterday, during debate on the bill, he held up a picture of an embryo drawn by a 7-year-old girl. Relaying a conversation with the girl’s mother, Brownback said the embryo was asking the Senate, “Are you going to kill me?”
All I can tell you is that, when I read that, I broke into a round of maniacal laughter that ended with a ghastly shriek of despair just before my skull thudded against my desk.

Think Progress has the video, if you can bear it.

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