WASHINGTON - White House press secretary Tony Snow apologized on Monday for suggesting that President Bush believed stem-cell research amounted to "murder," saying he was "overstating the president's position."
"He would not use that term," Snow told reporters.
At issue was Snow's comment last Wednesday defending Bush's veto of legislation to expand federally financed research on stem cells obtained from unwanted embryos.
"The president believes strongly that for the purpose of research it's inappropriate for the federal government to finance something that many people consider murder. He's one of them," Snow said at the time.
I see he's still using the FOX news' "many people" schtick. Unfortunately for the Bush administration, he hasn't gotten over the FOX "say whatever bullshit pops into your head" mindset.
Now, I wonder how many wingnuts will be furious with Bush because he doesn't consider stem cell research to be "murder?"
(Swatted with a rolled-up cross-post.)
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