Bush Lied to Congress


The Bush administration acknowledged yesterday that it had long known about Pakistan's plans to build a large plutonium-production reactor, but it said the White House was working to dissuade Pakistan from using the plant to expand its nuclear arsenal.

…Henry D. Sokolski, the Defense Department's top nonproliferation official during the George H.W. Bush administration, said he was most surprised by the way news of the reactor in Pakistan became known.

"What is baffling is that this information -- which was surely information that our own intelligence agencies had -- was kept from Congress," said Sokolski, now director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center. "We lack imagination if we think that this is no big deal."
This is just complete madness. Our executive branch has effectively staged a coup and is operating like a dictatorship. There remains the illusion of a domestic democracy, as Congress farts around with ridiculous legislation like same-sex marriage, flag burning, and protecting the Pledge, but our foreign policy and national defense are being run with no input, no oversight, and no accountability. And no one tasked with the responsibility of preventing it seems willing to do so.

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