Glenn Greenwald has the rundown of the latest conflagration in the rightwing blogosphere after the Times published pictures of Cheney’s and Rumsfeld’s vacation homes as part of a travel article about “the tiny, charming village of St. Michaels on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.”
Three thoughts:
1. Any conservative engaging in the fantastic delusion that the Times is trying to point al-Qaida toward Cheney and Rumsfeld is batshit insane.
2. Anyone who first and foremost associates the publication of any personal (though public, as Greenwald documents) information with inevitable assassination attempts, then consequently publishes personal information as retribution, has a sick and evil mind.
3. One of the cornerstones of Bush’s reelection campaign was that his administration was uniquely qualified to protect Americans against terrorists. If that’s true, then none of its members (nor their supporters) should be the teensiest bit concerned about anyone knowing where they vacation. And hey—whaddaya know? Rumsfeld, in fact, gave his permission.
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