Go, Girls

So I’ve been seeing commercials on Bravo (NBC’s gay little brother) for a new sitcom coming to NBC called 30 Rock, which stars SNL’s Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch, and is set behind-the-scenes of a sketch show. I was wondering how Fey (whose Weekend Update with Amy Poehler never fails to amuse me) and Dratch (whose “Debbie Downer” cracks my shit up big time—waa waah) were shooting a sitcom while also doing SNL, but it turns out they’re not. They’ve both left the show, and Lorne Michels is not happy about it.

Of course he isn’t. They’re like the only funny people on that shit.

The new head writer, replacing Fey, will be Seth Meyers, who played Kerry during the last election, and otherwise has no memorable characters.

Now I have no reason to watch SNL at all. I’ll just tune into 30 Rock instead.

(Aside: Will Forte’s Bush is pretty funny, but is totally cancelled out by The Falconer, which has to be one of the dumbest recurring skits ever to haunt that show.)

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