Gore … received 35 percent of the vote, followed by Senator Russ Feingold at 20 percent and former vice presidential candidate John Edwards at 11 percent. Wesley Clark received 4 percent, and John Kerry and Mark Warner 2 percent.The straw poll had 13,000 respondents, and they also selected their priority issue, Most Valuable Progressive, Best Opinion Writer, Most Effective Charity, and other stuff, which you can find at the link.
The big surprise in the survey is that Senator Hillary Clinton, whom many in the corporate media suggest is the front runner for the nomination, only received 7 percent of the vote. This is particularly surprising since 53 percent of the survey respondents were women. One possible reason for Senator Clinton's poor showing and Gore's popularity is that 24 percent of our survey participants chose the war in Iraq as their top priority issue. Hillary Clinton has not shown any leadership on the issue or been among those pushing for an end to the bloodshed.
As an aside, I am increasingly annoyed by the expressions of shock that women don’t automatically pull the lever for Hillary. Why is that so surprising? If you can suggest in the next sentence a possible reason for why women aren’t going for Hillary, there oughtn’t be a need to express surprise that they’re not. It’s like a compulsion to acknowledge the time-honored conventional wisdom that having a vagina makes one incapable of rational thought.
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