So, I'm driving to work this morning, and I have Air America on the radio. During the Springer show, they often have song parodies that they play as bumpers. Today, they played a little number to the tune of "La Bamba," called something like "I Have-A the Bomb-A," sung by Kim Jong Il. They don't appear to have the song posted on the site yet; I'll update if they do.
Well, guess what? It was sung in a shrieking, hysterical, sterotypical "Asian" accent, filled with plenty of "Numbah ONE!" and "Cowabunnnnnga!" It didn't quite get to "me so horny" or "me rikey velly much!" territory, but jeez...
AA would never use a Stepin Fetchit or Frito Bandito voice in one of these things... why is it okay to mock Asians? This is progressive radio?
And no, Team America doesn't make it okay.
Here's the executive producer's contact info, if you're interested in griping.
( the middle of our street...)
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