Times are Tough, Folks...

It cost me $40 to fill my tank with gas yesterday. I almost had a heart attack. One of the reasons that I'm very glad the husband and I are moving downtown is our proximity to work. We'll both be able to take the bus to work from now on; one car can be removed from the picture, and we can keep the Mini in the garage, to be used only when absolutely necessary. One of my first purchases after we move will be a bike.

I've been trying to use the air conditioning as little as possible, because my car simply eats gas when the AC is on and I'm driving in city traffic. My high 20's to low 30's average MPG suddenly becomes 19 MPG. I think I'd rather sweat than have to throw another forty bucks into my car every few days.

I'd imagine many of you are having the same issue. There are those of you that don't have the "luxury" of easily accessible public transportation and are forced to drive. There are those of you that have to, for whatever reason, own a much larger car, so it costs double or triple what it costs me to fill your car with gas.

I just want you to keep these woes and worries in mind when you read this next sentence.

This summer, Exxon Mobil made a profit of $1,318 in profit every second.

Every. Second.

The Senate's response? Why, voting on offshore drilling, of course.

Because the only cure for high oil prices is more oil.

(Tip 'o the Energy Dome to August. I know you cross-post, but what am I?)

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