How ridiculous is this rhetoric getting?
"The security of the civilized world depends on victory in the war on terror, and that depends on victory in Iraq… The war we fight today is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century. On one side are those who believe in the values of freedom and moderation ... and on the other side are those driven by the values of tyranny and extremism… They're successors to Fascists, to Nazis, to communists, and other totalitarians of the 20th century.”The security of the civilized world depends on the total annihilation of all terrorists? Come on. Completely ending terrorism isn’t even possible; nearly every major world power in “the civilized world” has suffered domestic terrorist attacks (including the US). Our collective security is more likely to be undermined by a major economic disaster, global warming, or pandemic influenza than Islamic terrorists. Get a fucking grip.
And the comparison between stateless terrorists and “totalitarians of the 20th century” couldn’t be more inaccurate—politically, militarily, objectively, in any way logically…it just doesn’t make any damn sense. It’s historically nonfactual hyperbole. End of story.
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