Virginia Sen. George Allen apologized directly to S.R. Sidarth yesterday, telling the 20-year-old Democratic campaign staffer that he was sorry for offending him with remarks that have generated nationwide criticism for being racially insensitive.Because they won’t print “Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?! Fuck no, it wasn’t sincere.” in the Washington Post.
…Sidarth said Allen told him that the apology was "from his heart."
…Sidarth, who had been assigned by the Webb campaign to follow Allen on a swing through Southwest Virginia, said he asked Allen why it took him so long to apologize personally.
Allen said he had expected to see Sidarth on the campaign trail again and had wanted to apologize in person, Sidarth and Wadhams said.
"I still have some questions about why it took so long, but, yes, he did the right thing," Sidarth said. Asked whether he thought the apology was sincere, Sidarth declined to comment.
You know, Allen might have an easier time convincing people his apology is “from his heart” if his campaign manager wasn’t issuing memos blaming the media, pundits, Democrats, liberal groups, and for his boss’ racist outburst, and if his campaign wasn’t “pursuing a two-pronged strategy aimed at convincing some voters that Allen is sorry while motivating his base with attacks against liberals and the media.” When you denigrate someone with a racist slur and then claim persecution, any apology for the slur is, uh, undermined rather significantly.
You do, however, definitively prove you’re made of strong conservative stuff.
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