And Now For Something Completely Different

Wow, some good news!

Jackie Chan, Chinese Director in Talks

(I don't know why they couldn't have just said Zhang's name, or "Director of Hero," but whatever.)
HONG KONG - Jackie Chan is in talks with famed Chinese director Zhang Yimou about a possible collaboration, his spokesman said Monday.

Spokesman Solon So said Chan and Zhang have held several discussions but haven't agreed on a project.

"Both parties are interested but they need to find the right script," So said.

Chan said last year he and Zhang conferred on a story set in the 1980s but wouldn't reveal details.

Zhang is known for films like "Raise the Red Lantern," "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers." One of China's most respected directors, he has won the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival twice.
I first saw Jackie Chan when I was in high school when I rented Police Story. Needless to say, it was love at first sight. From the car chase through the shanty town to the scene of Jackie climbing onto the bus using his umbrella, I was completely hooked. No one did anything like this in the U.S., and for the luvva mike, he didn't use a stuntman! He paid for it too, as the "outtakes" during the end credits made all too clear. Not only that, he was funny.

I got to meet Jackie at a book signing of his autobiography, and you've never met a sweeter human being. I've worked with many celebrities at many book signings, and I've never seen someone so devoted to, and genuinely happy to meet his fans. After several years of so-so to completely awful U.S. features (when is the last time you heard an American movie star say that they hated their last movie?), it's nice to see Jackie getting back to doing movies his way.

Now let's all agree to keep Chris Tucker and Owen Wilson far, far away.

(Who likes cross-posts? We like cross-posts!)

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