Bush Administration Protective Services

Well, Prezint Shirky McAvoidworkerson is on vacation, showing us yet again how little he cares for actual Presidentin'. Adding another 10 days onto his already staggering 370 days of vacation since he first took office, Bush plans to knock around with his usual vacation activities: biking and clearing brush.

But if you think the wheels aren't turning while he's away, you are wrong! There's plenty of activity while Bush is in Crawford... of course, it has nothing to do with the Mideast Crisis, the Iraq War, or any other situation that you and I might think is important. Bush has become the lamest of the lame ducks; Republicans are smelling the failure and getting nervous, and elections are in the not-too-distant future.

Time to do some ass covering!

US Seeks to Shield its War Interrogators
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Political appointees, CIA officers and former military personnel would not face prosecution for humiliating or degrading wartime prisoners under amendments to a war crimes law drafted by the Bush administration, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

The amendments are part of the administration's three-pronged response to a June 29 Supreme Court ruling that struck down as illegal and a violation of the Geneva Conventions the military tribunal system set up to try Guantanamo prisoners, the Post said.

The court's ruling gave prisoners captured in Afghanistan protections under the Geneva Conventions, which the administration previously maintained did not apply to them.

Citing unidentified U.S. officials, the newspaper said the administration plans to amend the 1996 War Crimes Act, which makes it a crime to violate the Geneva Conventions, by narrowing the number of potential criminal prosecutions.

I think this is what we can expect from the Bush administration for the remaining few years of his Presidency. They have produced nothing but failure, they've been breaking the law, and sooner or later the noose will tighten. So, why not spend your time in office ensuring that you can all get off scott free once the opposition is in a place to actually punish you?

For the next few years, I'm sure all we will see coming out of the white house is legislation designed to cement Bush policies in place, and protect Bush and his cronies from the fallout. As for protecting Americans? I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.

(I love little cross-posts, they make me feel so good...)

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