[Deputy British Prime Minister] John Prescott has given vent to his private feelings about the Bush presidency, summing up George Bush's administration in a single word: crap.I actually find it sort of pathetic that calling Bush a crap cowboy is controversial.
…"He was talking in the context of the 'road map' in the Middle East. He said he only gave support to the war on Iraq because they were promised the road map. But he said the Bush administration had been crap on that. We all laughed and he said to an official, 'Don't minute that'." [MP Harry Cohen] added: "We also had a laugh when he said old Bush is just a cowboy with his Stetson on. But then he said, 'I can hardly talk about that can I?'”
…And today Mr Prescott issued a statement in which he said: "This is an inaccurate report of a private conversation and it is not my view. "
Told that others at the meeting could not recall the words, Mr Cohen said: "He did. I stand by that."
Bush is Crap
My only question is why anyone would be hesitant to say this kind of thing anymore. The Bush administration clearly is crap!
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