They use an old address for someone, so they don't actually get the documents, don't know they are being sued, and therefore don't show up. The debt collectors then get the go-ahead to take their property. Oddly enough, they are able to scrounge up a correct address for that part of the project, thanks to the constables, tow lot operators, and deputy sheriffs working for them.Go read the whole thing.
The people [they] target are working- and lower-middle-class, or are among the ranks of the working poor. They are the elderly, the disabled, and the economically disenfranchised. Some of these people cannot get to work with no car. Some of these people paid off their debts years ago, but collection agencies are not often questioned about the veracity of their information. It's all about gouging poor people.
Can you feel the gilding of America?
Legalized extortion:
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