For Your Consideration

Mr. Shakes and I were watching who-knows-what last night, and this ad, called "Liberals 'Visit' the White House," came on:

I did a little digging this morning and found out that has turned all sorts of political issues into ads for a viral marketing campaign that includes a contest in which people can submit their own ads. (The submissions are all over YouTube.) Here are a couple more of Kayak’s own ads:

"Glacier Park Melts"

"President Starts a War"

"Go Hunting with VP Cheney"

"Explore Alaska Before Big Oil"

Ho ho. That sad little whale covered in oil at the end is just so hilarious.

Is there something just a bit too blithe about the way these political issues have been turned into ads, or am I just being crabby?

(No need to point out I’m playing right into their marketing plan; I know.)

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