Free Sex!

Oops, that should have said “Sex Free.”

Jessica is featuring some swell posters from an abstinence program in New Mexico, like this one:

Now I know there are people who choose to be abstinent for various reasons, from religion to just not being in a committed relationship at the moment. But because I’m just in one of those moods, I made a poster that I thought was better representative of the reasons most people are abstinent.

Which is, ya know, only slightly Plain Old Bitchy and mostly a serious commentary on why abstinence programs don’t work. Because most young people, when given the choice between sex and no sex, say, “Wha? Abstinent—me? Uh, no. You must be thinking of some other dude.” And all the posters in the world implying that dirty whores like me are hankering for some nasty STDs won’t change that simple fact of human nature.

I know there are young people who are absolutely, positively sincere when they make virginity pledges and deck themselves out with virginity bracelets and virginity rings and various other modern day chastity belts. But it's easy to say "I'll never have sex until I'm married" when you're not in the back seat of your dad's car with someone who's making you blush and pant. In those moments, having a condom and the willingness to use it is hell and gone more important than any virginity pledge, because the very existence of the human race is predicated on virginity pledges not meaning shit in that situation.

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