You know, this administration came out with what they call the 'Patriot Act' which is the most disgusting name for an 'Act' that is so un-American. I mean, due process and civil liberties have gone out the window. And this administration continues to tell us that we are terrorized. There are better ways do deal with this. Look at Britain. They caught the people before it happened. Intelligence is what's really important.Not George Bush, of course. George Takei.
And do you know what they are doing in this country? [The Military] are kicking out Arabic-speaking gay intelligence workers, just because they are gay! What is more important? National security or homophobia? In this administration, it's clearly homophobia and not national security. This administration has it all wrong.
…[L]ook at the failure we have in Iraq. It is a disaster. Look at the incompetence we had in dealing with Katrina. In case after case, this administration has been the greatest threat to America.
Uh-huh. And not only is Mr. Sulu wiser than our president, I believe that having served as lieutenant for the fictional Enterprise actually gives him more military experience.
(There’s more at the link. Definitely worth your time to click through. Thanks to Dean Lewis for passing that one along.)
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Not George Bush, of course. blog comments powered by Disqus