Exercise your right to be informed! Stop going to movies starring liberal actors, so that your money stops going into their liberal pockets.
Oh yes, that's right. They call them "Hollywood Wackos" and:
Hollywood wackos drive expensive cars, live in huge mansions, and work about two months per year. And yet they believe their "real world" perspective qualifies them to tell the American public how to vote come election time. Help stop these idiots from spouting off by boycotting their movies!
Ben Stein, btw, is their #1 guy.
Here is a list of the Top Ten Evil Liberal Movies (called "toxic liberal waste", btw):
1. The American President
2. The Princess Bride
3. Meet the Fockers
4. The War of the Roses
5. Wall Street
6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
7. Romancing the Stone
8. Tell Them Who You Are
9. The Jewel of the Nile
10. The Game
Here are the top 100. What are their Top Ten Lovable, Huggable Conservative Movies? Why:
1. It's A Wonderful Life
2. Dave
3. Dodgeball
4. Tango and Cash
5. The Greatest Story Ever Told
6. A Smile Like Yours
7. Casper
8. Casper: A Spirited Begining
9. Dennis the Menace
10. Easy Wheels
Top 100 here.
The best thing about this site though is their ratings explanation (emphasis theirs):
We do not rate movies based on content, as that would require actually seeing movies that we suggest people boycott.
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