FDA Eases Limits on Morning-After Pill
Attention wingnuts. This is GOOD news.
WASHINGTON - Women may buy the morning-after pill without a prescription — but only with proof they're 18 or older, federal health officials decided Thursday. The Food and Drug Administration ruling culminated a contentious three-year effort to ease access to the emergency contraceptive.Of course, increasing promiscuity. It's always about people fucking. This should be one of those rare instances where both sides of the debate are in agreement. Is it really that difficult for these "opponents" to understand that increasing access to birth control will actually reduce the number of abortions?
Girls 17 and younger still will need a doctor's note to buy the pills, called Plan B, the FDA told manufacturer Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc.
The compromise decision is a partial victory for women's advocacy and medical groups which say eliminating sales restrictions could cut in half the nation's 3 million annual unplanned pregnancies. Opponents have argued that wider access could increase promiscuity.
But no, that's not good enough. It's never good enough. They will not be happy until sex ceases. No one, anywhere, can touch anyone ever again, unless it's for the purpose of making bebbuhs. And I'm sure they're working on that one, too.
But opponent Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, said Plan B's wider availability could give women a false sense of security, since it isn't as effective as regular birth control. Wright also worries that adult men who have sex with minor girls could force the pills upon them.What is it with these wingnuts that they always have to go to the most extreme, bizarre scenario when they are opposing something? As if, without the pill, sexual deviance doesn't exist. As if "adult men who have sex with minor girls forcing the pills upon them" is somehow worse than the man forcing himself upon them. Here's another hysterical reaction:
Drs. Galson and Woodcock both said in their own depositions and public statements that scientific considerations drove their decisions. One memorandum that has since been made public states that Dr. Woodcock told agency employees that she feared that Plan B could take on “ ‘urban legend’ status that would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults.”I can't believe these lunatics are actually taken seriously when decisions are made that can affect the lives and health of others.
(Hey, how about a nice cross-post punch?)
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