…but I thought this was worth mentioning. Via Article of Faith, the Times mentions that the ex-wife of the guy who confessed says that “she and Mr. Karr had been together in Alabama when JonBenet was murdered.” She also says that he spent a lot of time researching the case (eww), and, apparently, the way the cops zeroed in on him was that he contacted a journalism professor who made several documentaries about the case. Karr’s dad also says the guy has never been to Colorado.
The guy’s a frigging lunatic, obviously, but it looks like there’s a possibility he’s the kind of lunatic who might also soon claim to have abducted Amelia Earhart from the cockpit of her aeroplane, if you know what I mean.
My point in mentioning this is not to try to draw any conclusions about the veracity of his confession, but just to point out that the immediate descent of the media vultures on this as if it’s definitely the end-all be-all is completely fucking ridiculous. As usual.
The Report First Ask Questions Later paradigm of the modern media is dreadful, simply dreadful. They've evidently learned nothing from their shameful complicity in taking a nation to war under the same flawed premises.
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