I've got good news and bad news...

The Bad News: Senate backs expanded offshore drilling—“The Senate wants to expand oil and gas drilling to a large chunk of the Gulf of Mexico that has been off limits to energy companies. But the House has a more ambitious plan: Open coastal waters to drilling everywhere unless a state objects. …[Sen. Pete Domenici, R-NM] called it ‘welcome news for the people of the United States’ — for homeowners facing high heating bills as well as for manufacturers and chemical companies that have seen natural gas costs soar. Never mind that no oil or gas would flow from the new area for four or five years, perhaps longer.”

The Good News: Evolution opponents lose in Kan. primary—“Conservative Republicans who pushed anti-evolution standards back into Kansas schools last year have lost control of the state Board of Education once again. The most closely watched race was in western Kansas, where incumbent conservative Connie Morris lost her Republican primary Tuesday. The former teacher had described evolution as "an age-old fairy tale" and "a nice bedtime story" unsupported by science. As a result of Tuesday's vote, board members and candidates who believe evolution is well-supported by evidence will have a 6-4 majority. Evolution skeptics had entered the election with a two-person majority.”

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