Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in

Tell this to the Marines: Ready or not, like it or not, thousands of them are now subject to recall:

The U.S. Marine Corps said Tuesday it has been authorized to recall thousands of Marines to active duty, primarily because of a shortage of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Up to 2,500 Marines will be brought back at any one time, but there is no cap on the total number of Marines who may be forced back into service in the coming years as the military battles the war on terror. The call-ups will begin in the next several months. [...]

The call-up affects Marines in the Individual Ready Reserve, a segment of the reserves that consists mainly of those who left active duty but still have time remaining on their eight-year military obligation.

Something Marine familes can look forward to as they head towards the holidays. Thank you, Mr. President.

More: Looking back over the article, I wonder if you can in fact call these call-ups "involuntary" if the terms of being in the Ready Reserve - with time remaining on your military obligation - stipulate that you can in fact be recalled at any time? Perhaps it's just a matter of semantics...and if you're home with your family and learn that you're now scheduled for a flight back to Camp Gannon or wherever, it might well feel involuntary. Still...


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