CHICAGO — A suburban woman said on Thursday that she has seen the image of the Virgin Mary on one of her pet turtles.
Shirley McVane, of Burbank, said she saw the image on the bottom of her turtle, who is also named Mary, NBC5's Sharon Wright reported. McVane said she considers herself a religious woman, with pictures and statues adorning her house. McVane also has another turtle named Joseph. The two turtles were named for the Virgin Mary and her husband, Joseph.
Mary makes a lot of appearances in the Windy City. “In July 2001, people reported seeing an image of the Virgin Mary in a tree. A year later, people came to a West Chicago grove, struck by an image of Our Lady of Guadeloupe. Last April, on a wall of a viaduct under the Kennedy Expressway, people said they saw an image of the Virgin Mary.” And of course Jesus stopped by East Chicago not long ago, too.
Holy folks Gone Wild on ultrasounds, chocolate, dying plants, sheet metal, trees, more trees, wardrobes, water stains, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, plates of pasta, drywall, fish, and more fish.
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