BJU's student handbook says "Loyalty to Christ results in separated living. Dishonesty, lewdness, sensual behavior, adultery, homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography, illegal use of drugs, and drunkenness—all are clearly condemned by God's word and prohibited here." The campus bans all Abercrombie & Fitch logos because it has "shown an unusual degree of antagonism to the name of Christ and an unusual display of wickedness in their promotions."And, lest anyone forget, Bob Jones refused to admit any blacks until 1971, and only then married blacks until 1975, and then forbade interracial dating until 2000. So it's super extra cool that McCain, with his multi-racial family, would consider hanging out with those bozos just to get a few votes.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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