McCain Monkeys Around


Maybe somebody should have clued in Sen. John McCain.

First, Sen. George Allen, R-Va., wound up a few dozen veterans with a "we win, they lose, there's no substitute victory" strategy for Iraq, then McCain followed with a joke about a monkey flying an airplane.

McCain, R-Ariz., was in town Wednesday night to lure some votes for his Republican colleague, Allen, who has heard enough monkey jokes lately. … Macaca is a genus of monkey.
McCain followed his joke with some screeching and chest-beating, then flung his own shit at Allen.

Anyone who believes that John McCain just made a spectacular gaffe by telling that joke doesn’t know the first thing about John McCain. He can be a real nasty piece of work, and he’s extremely competitive. (“You lose battles in politics. I do get good and angry. Really angry! By God, I'm not going to let them beat me again. I don't like to lose.”) He’s got his gaze fixed on the White House, and, after losing in 2000, he’s not about to lose again—and he doesn’t have the slightest qualm about throwing his every last shred of integrity out the window to win, because he knows how the GOP rolls these days.

Allen is his most likely competition for the Republican nomination. You do the math.

McCain is a lot of things, but not clued in ain’t one of them.

(Hat tip to Brendan Nyhan.)

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