No Wonder I'm Losing My Hair
I'm closing on my new home and moving on Monday. My life is currently packed away in small boxes. I'm trying to get a couch delivered, and my building and the delivery company are refusing to compromise on times. I went to a wake last night, and I'm going to a wedding tonight. I just had to run an errand for one of our directors that's apparently too good to go to Kinko's, and when I emerged from picking up his posters, my car was gone. So was the truck that was blocking the sign stating that the metered space I was in is a tow zone on street cleaning Fridays. It cost me $160 and two hours to get my car out of impound, and when I walked to my car, there was a $50 ticket on it for a street cleaning violation.
Then, upon returning, the director notices a barely perceptible line on the poster; he wants it reprinted. He calls Kinko's and asks while I'm at lunch if they'll do it. Sure, they've got the file, all he has to do is email them the name of the poster. He gets the email address, has the name of the poster... and asks me to handle it.
I'm so fucking seriously glad I'm leaving early today.
Anyway, like I said, the big move is on Monday. Shakespeare's Sister has kindly agreed to fill in for me while I'm without computer, so be polite little boys and girls. I'll see you all sometime next week! If my head doesn't explode.
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