Louisiana (via
Nine black children attending Red River Elementary School were directed last week to the back of the school bus by a white driver who designated the front seats for white children.
Utah (via
The Angry Fag):
A state senator responsible for some of Utah's most anti-gay legislation is under fire for saying that the landmark court case that ended state-sanctioned segregation is wrong.
…During the radio interview host Tom Grover noted that courts historically have been used by minority groups "to ensure [their] rights are protected."
"I don't know of an example where the minority is being jeopardized by legislative action," [Chris Buttars (R)] replied.
Grover then brought up the Kansas desegregation case that resulted in the busing of black students to white schools and vice versa.
"I think Brown v. Board of Education is wrong to begin with," Buttars shot back.
When Grover attempted to press him on the reply Buttars refused to be more specific, saying only "one day call me again and we'll take a half hour on that one."
What world do these people live in? And, more imporantly, how can we permanently separate it from ours?
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