Oh! Well, That's All Right Then. Off You Go.

It's the defense I love even more than the Steve Martin "I forgot" defense. (I forgot armed robbery was illegal.) It's that old standby, "It's okay, because my religion says so!"

My religious calling is pedophilia! (bolds mine)
CLEVELAND -- It was probably not a defense the court had heard before.

A suburban Cleveland man accused of sexually assaulting nine disabled boys told a judge Wednesday that his apartment was a religious sanctuary where smoking marijuana and having sex with children are sacred rituals protected by civil rights laws.

The admitted pedophile offered a surprising defense Wednesday to 74 charges of rape, drugs and pandering obscenity to minors.

Appearing in an Ohio court for a pretrial hearing, Phillip Distasio, 34, of Rocky River, Ohio, said he was a pedophile.

He told the judge, "I'm a pedophile. I've been a pedophile for 20 years. The only reason I'm charged with rape is that no one believes a child can consent to sex. The role of my ministry is to get these cases out of the courtrooms."
Ah yes, what a noble cause. Preying on disabled children, doping them up, and raping them. Damn those courts for daring to charge you with a crime! Damn them!

Distasio was arrested on charges he molested two disabled boys he was tutoring at his home. He's also accused of raping seven other autistic children at a Cleveland school for special-needs students, The Plain Dealer reported. All but one of the boys was under 13, which carries a mandatory life-in-prison sentence if he is convicted, the paper reported.

Police said they found journals at Distasio's apartment in which he described his illegal activities, along with child pornography and videotapes of him engaged in sex with boys, The Plain Dealer reported

"Not all pedophilia is bad, and sex [with boys] can be healthy," Distasio told the court.
You get the idea. There's more in the article, but just to warn you, what he did with these kids is pretty damn sick. I just find it laughable that he's daring to use an excuse like "my religion says it's okay to do this."

Just out of curiosity, I pulled a Pam, and peeked over in Freeperland to see what the creeps were saying. I had two predictions:

1. There will be plenty of "this is what happens when you tolerate gays" comments.

2. There will be plenty of "The ACLU is going to love this!" comments.

And I wasn't disappointed!
Here we go... just another sexual orientation... slippery slope.. we told you so... NAMBLA... tolerance... discrimination... blablabla

The ACLU is probably giddy with excitement at this new way of destroying our Constitution. They'll be there as soon as they get out of the drug treatment program they are currently participating in.

I'll bet he's a Democrat.

A very sick bastard and the ACLU is probably advising him.

Another homosexual simply DEMANDING his "rights". Wake up!

"Well, maybe, but I doubt the ACLU will want to rush to the defense of this guy's religion. He should have claimed privacy rights or something." - - You may be right but I've seen them support religion as long as its not the Christian religion.

Plus, bonus "It's all CLINTON's fault!" quote:
I just am amazed every day to wake up and read news stories like this one..I wonder where are these child molesters coming from..Then I think well ever since the Clinton's time in the White House the people in this country are getting away with thinks we would never dream could happen..This pervert like Clinton will go free and do the same thing over and over..You know I will say here if any of my children or grandchildren were ever molested by some bastard like this I would put a bullet through his head and yes I would be sent to jail and killed by the state since there is a law against killing even a dog like this..

You get the feeling this person is disappointed that he can't go around shooting dogs in the head.

Isn't it amazing how everything comes back to Gays, the ACLU, and Clinton for the Freepers?

(Cross-posted, check it and see...)

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