Onward Christian soldiers, indeed

How about a little psycho for your Tuesday? A friend of mine pointed me to these people: The Christian Party. As you can guess, they have plenty of their special kind of psychotic bullshit to spew:

Unless "intelligence" is something that can't be measured, and unless all who believe men aren't more intelligent than women accept as a fact an entity that can't be quantified or measured or proven, then it simply cannot be correct that women are more than or equally intelligent to men. Thus, 6 out of 7 American women and three quarters of American men hold a belief that cannot be substantiated by any facts, proof that the brainwashing of our students has been a remarkable success.


BETWEEN 1988 AND 2000, according to JEW sources, THE WORLDWIDE SUPPLY OF JEWS PLUNGED FROM 18.1 TO 13.2. FINALLY, JEWS HAVE PROOF OF A HOLOCAUST! But there was no war. The Nazis are long gone. In the midst of peacetime, the jews LOST 4.9 million people, and still haven't been able to locate them. Could it be that they need a war in Iraq to increase the jew population back to 18 million? On top of that, the 2000 figure for jews in the world included 6.7 million in the US when in fact there may have been only 5.2 million. The jews in the US, with all the modern techniques for counting populations and handling membership lists, a first class mail delivery system, no war or insurrection or gas ovens or mass graves, were unable to pin down their population to within 1.5 million jews--an error of 29%!


The Mongrelization of America Increased Our Homicide Rate Ten Fold


And just who is behind this nonsense? The site lists that it is from the "Fathers' Manifesto and Christian Party" who is, according to the homepage:

Fighting feminism, ending affirmative action, and restoring responsible fatherhood

Uh-huh. Suuuuure, you are.

These people apparently need not one, not two, but three shitty-ass, Frontpage-lookin' sites to get their insane agenda out there.

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