Question of the Day
Suggested by Fritz: "The staff at listed six TV shows that they feel should be cancelled ASAP. The question is: What other shows should have made the list?"
(The shows suggested by Salon for cancellation were: 24, The O.C., Nancy Grace, The L Word, The Closer, Larry King.)
I watched about 10 minutes of Survivor once and thought it was heinously bad, yet another (the nine millionth or something?) season is about to begin (amid controversy). I don't watch enough TV (and what I do is, as you know, usually either some geeky shit or total crap like American Idol), so I can't really think of anything else to nominate.
My friend Sam swears My Name is Earl is hilarious, but I thought it stunk. I'm not sure that's down to the show actually sucking, though, as much as my own inability to get past the fact that Jason Lee named his firstborn Pilot Inspektor, and my sneaking suspicion that it's only funny if you don't live in an area where everyone looks and acts exactly like Earl and the gang.
(The shows suggested by Salon for cancellation were: 24, The O.C., Nancy Grace, The L Word, The Closer, Larry King.)
I watched about 10 minutes of Survivor once and thought it was heinously bad, yet another (the nine millionth or something?) season is about to begin (amid controversy). I don't watch enough TV (and what I do is, as you know, usually either some geeky shit or total crap like American Idol), so I can't really think of anything else to nominate.
My friend Sam swears My Name is Earl is hilarious, but I thought it stunk. I'm not sure that's down to the show actually sucking, though, as much as my own inability to get past the fact that Jason Lee named his firstborn Pilot Inspektor, and my sneaking suspicion that it's only funny if you don't live in an area where everyone looks and acts exactly like Earl and the gang.
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