The only thing Hicks needs to worry about carrying in a bucket is some water and bleach, because, in about two years, the only job that bitch will be doing onstage is cleaning up after the midnight show at the Déjà Vu Lounge.
Quote of the Day
“People think he looks so normal, and he’s so sweet and he’s so earnest, but he can’t carry a tune in a bucket.” — Justin Timberlake on American Idol winner (and my arch nemesis) Taylor Hicks. When Justin Timberlake is maligning your talent, you know you suck.
The only thing Hicks needs to worry about carrying in a bucket is some water and bleach, because, in about two years, the only job that bitch will be doing onstage is cleaning up after the midnight show at the Déjà Vu Lounge.
The only thing Hicks needs to worry about carrying in a bucket is some water and bleach, because, in about two years, the only job that bitch will be doing onstage is cleaning up after the midnight show at the Déjà Vu Lounge.
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