A spokeswoman for the White House, Emily Lawrimore, said President Bush continued to support Mr. Tomlinson’s renomination.Of course he does.
Recycled Cronies: Second Verse, Same as the First!
Total frigging dickhead and partisan wanker Kenneth Tomlinson, whose disgraced ousting from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting after rules violations (trying to turn PBS into a GOP mouthpiece) wasn’t seen as a bad thing by the White House, but evidence that he was fit to be appointed instead as the head of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (which oversees government broadcasts to foreign countries), has now made a mockery of that post as well, by using his office to run a horse racing operation and putting a friend on the payroll. He also “repeatedly used government employees to perform personal errands and that he billed the government for more days of work than the rules permit.” What a charmer.
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