DEPOSED tyrant Saddam Hussein has been taunted in custody with repeated screenings of a South Park film lampooning him as a gay nymphomaniac.
British tabloid The Sun reported that US Marines have been forcing the former Iraqi dictator to watch an offensive caricature of himself in low-brow animated film South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut – on repeat.
The film was banned in Iraq when it opened seven years ago, not least for its depiction of Hussein as a flamboyant and libidinous homosexual.
In the film, Hussein’s evil counterpart is none other than Satan, with whom he shares an erotic relationship.
Hey Satan, I got some new luggage for our trip up to Earth. Let's fuck to celebrate!
Matt Stone says the Marines told him they were torturing Saddam with the film, and he “boasted the story at the Edinburgh International Television Festival,” then the story was picked up by The Sun. As I said, thin sourcing, but nonetheless believable, considering some of the stuff going on over there.
Supposing for the moment that it’s true, what do you think? Acceptable? Unacceptable? In an abstract sense, I find it completely hilarious, but in the real world with real people—even heinous despots—I’m fairly certain this would fall under cruel and unusual.
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