Sea Change

A British fisherman caught a 58lb, 6’-6” swordfish in the North Sea, 3,000 miles away from its usual home in the Mediterranean.

Peter Dent was shocked when the huge fish turned up in his trawler nets.

According to the Mirror he said: "I've certainly never caught anything like this before. I was just doing my normal drift-netting when I noticed this huge fish. I didn't know what it was and at first thought it must have been a shark. When I brought it in, I realised what it was. I was absolutely amazed."

The fish was caught off New Biggin-by-the-sea, Northumberland.

Peter added: "These waters are changing and you can get a few surprises these days."
Suddenly I’m having a hankering for Hemingway.

In related news, Al Gore has just secured a deal to produce An Inconvenient Truth 2: Fish Gone Wild.

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