Bush had called on Helen Thomas, the 86-year-old columnist and former wire service reporter who occupies a seat in the front row of the press briefing room and poses tough questions when called upon. She thanked him, and Bush said: "It's kind of like dancing together, isn't it?''
Not really, interjected Ken Herman, a Washington-based reporter for Cox News and formerly the Austin, Tex., American-Statesman whom Bush has known since his days as governor of Texas. That's when Bush zeroed in on the tan and white suit that Herman had worn to the morning press conference.
"By the way, seersucker is coming back. I hope everybody gets it,'' said Bush, wearing a dark gray suit with a white shirt and blue tie.
Herman, rolling with the president's sartorial punch, called it "the summertime East Texas county commissioner look.''
When Bush vowed that he will stay out of the Connecticut Senate race, Herman pointed out that the president was born in Connecticut.
"I may be the only person -- the only presidential candidate -- who never carried the state in which he was born,'' Bush replied. "Do you think that's right, Herman? Of course, you would have researched that and dropped it out for everybody to see, particularly since I dissed that just ridiculous-looking outfit. ... I don't want anybody to know that I think it's ridiculous-looking. ''
Later, when the president formally called on Herman for a question, Herman rose, displaying his seersucker for all to see. "Go ahead,'' Herman said.
"I don't need to,'' Bush said, "now that you've stood up, and everybody can clearly see for themselves.''
“Suit you, sir.”
(Btw, that’s Mr. Ken “Ridiculous-Looking Outfit” Herman who’s driving Bush to agitated distraction in the video posted earlier. Perhaps Bush should have kept his fashion commentary to himself.)
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