Thursday Name That Cult Movie Game!
My goodness gracious me, I haven't done one of these in a long time. Here we go; leave your guesses in comments. Remember, every time you cheat with the IMDB, a snow baby gets diaper rash!
1. "What is this, a freak-out?"
2. "Well, again, I didn't mean to throw a damper. Believe me that's the last thing I'd like to throw. I don't want to throw anything at all really. But when folks are horribly mutilated, I feel it's my job to tell others. We take our horrible mutilations seriously up in these parts."
"I'm sure you do. Honey, the Ranger's just doing his job."
"Of course he is. I'm sorry Ranger Brad. I guess all this talk of horrible mutilation has me on edge."
"That's all right Dr. Armstrong. This horrible mutilation has a whole lot of people on a whole lot of edges."
3. "As the cars roar into Pennsylvania, the cradle of liberty, it seems apparent that our citizens are staying off the streets, which may make scoring particularly difficult, even with this year's rule changes. To recap those revisions: women are still worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets, but teenagers now rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 now rate a big 70 points. The big score: anyone, any sex, over 75 years old has been upped to 100 points."
4. "Daddy! You have got to come and get me... I'm at Betty's Bakery and we've got homicidal baked goods after us!"
5. "How you doing back there, Ivan?"
(In Russian) "If I still had legs, I'd kick your ass!"
"Could you hold this guy for a while? He is so negative."
6. "She disintegrated perfectly, but never reappeared."
"Where's she gone?"
"Into space... a stream of cat atoms... It'd be funny if life weren't so sacred."
7. (reading)"Iterociter incorporating planetary generator. Iterociter with voltarator. With astroscope."
"Here's something my wife could use in the house. An 'iterociter incorporating an electron sorter.'"
"Oh, she'd probably gain 20 pounds while it did all the work for her."
8. "No one wishes to see a man dance!"
9. "Flag on the moon, how did it get there?"
10. "You sucked out her brains?"
"Yeah. Right through her mouth."
"Is she dead?"
(laughs) "Of course she's dead... what, are you kidding?"
(Plan cross-post from Outer Space)
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