A ploy that certainly seems to have worked, based on the wide-ranging (and mostly hostile) responses across the wide world o'blogs to this self-aggrandizing post by a woman whom you've most likely never heard of before today. All the modest Ms. Passey claims to want is to weed out the many unsuitable suitors who come banging, as it were, on her door. She attempts to do this by making it perfectly clear that she's light-years out of their league...and just about everybody else's. After all, she is - in her own modest words - "a very high-quality woman." She backs up the assertion by adducing the following pointers:
- I’m slim (whereas 62% of American women age 20 to 74 are overweight)
- I’m attractive (my new picture has been rated more attractive than 86% of the women on Hot or Not -- and the women who upload their pictures are a self-selected sample that is probably already biased towards being more attractive than the general female population)
- I’m relatively young (whereas 82% of American adult women are over 30 years old)
- I’m intelligent (IQ tested at 145 when I was a child, which is 3 standard deviations above the mean -- higher than 99.85% of the population. Even if I’ve gotten dumber as I’ve aged I’m probably still at least a 130, which is higher than 97.5% of the population.)
- I’m educated (whereas 77% of American women do not have bachelor’s degrees)
- I have my financial shit together (no debt, perfect credit history, 6+ months living expenses saved, adequate insurance, self employed)
- I have a strong libido and love having sex (my lover *never* has to beg, unless it’s for me to let him get some sleep!)
All that's missing is the claim that she can tie a steel rod into a knot with her tongue. Alas, Waveflux finds that Ms Passey's charms are diluted by her evident insecurities. Comparing oneself to others never impresses and rarely comes off well. Frankly, Dina Al-Sabah makes Ms. Passey look like the Mork & Mindy edition of Robin Williams. And Dina's got three degrees.
Oh, well. I'm sure Ms. Passey will find somebody, somewhere. It's a big world.
As for the reactions, the best-out-of-the-box award goes to Ace of Spades HQ (scroll down for context):
Okay, now that I see that she's a dead-ringer for Rudy Giuliani in drag, I have to admit, I'm three-quarters aroused.
Addendum: Am I the only person who read Ms. Passey's post and immediately thought of Maureen Dowd? Just wondering.
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