It is said of Dracula that he casts no shadow. The same is
apparently true of Jean Schmidt, bizarro Republican House rep from the Buckeye State and purported marathon athlete. Nathan Noy, a would-be write-in candidate for the office held by Schmidt, argues that a photo at Schmidt's web site showing her finishing the 1993 Columbus marathon (in 3 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds, no less) is a fraud. First:
the image itself, in which Schmidt (wearing a "Reelect Schmidt" shirt and smiling winningly into the camera) defies our understanding of light and optics by casting no shadow of her own. Of course, the use of Photoshop to doctor the picture and insert Schmidt where she hadn't been would explain a great deal...but you be the judge:
In addition to the disturbing absence of Schmidt-induced shade, Noy says that a newspaper account of the top finishers in that race - which you'd think should have included Schmidt based on both the time clock in the photo and the "fifth female 40-44" plaque also represented on her web site) - did not list Schmidt at all. Noy has filed a complaint with Ohio election officials, who are looking into the matter. It's against the law in Ohio to publish false statements in support of your election effort.
This matter of Jean Schmidt casting no shadow where she really should may not be a one-off. Looking at yet another race image on the Schmidt biography web page - the center image, taken somewhere in Clermont County - shows the putative race participant again feeling no obligation to cast a shadow (unlike other racers).
It makes you wonder whether it's the laws of physics or the concept of truth in political advertising that Schmidt disdains.
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