Last week, I put up a wiseass post about Bush's recent pardons, and how they all struck me as really... well.. redneck-y. I was snickering, in particular, at Bush's pardoning of a couple moonshiners. Really, how Good 'Ol Boy can you get?
Well, apparently you can go one step further.
Because as I just found out, one of the moonshiners had a small role in Deliverance.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- By granting absolution to a convicted moonshiner, George W. Bush also earned the unique distinction of becoming the first president to pardon a cast member of the 1972 Academy Award-nominated movie "Deliverance."No, he wasn't the "squeal like a pig" guy.
Randall Leece Deal of Clayton, Georgia, had a small role in the film about four Atlanta businessmen who have unpleasant encounters with locals during a North Georgia canoe trip.
(Dueling cross-posts.)
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